Luton Chess Club Rated Event - Live Results 2023
Rounds are to be ignored.
Luton Chess Club Championship 2023/24 details/guidelines (subject to minor refinement) :
- Anyone at the club is welcome to join or stop participating at any point prior to 30/6/2024.
- All moves are to be played in 1 hour per person with no increment and moves should be written down.
- Double Round Robin (Everyone can play each other up to 2 times, once each colour).
- Results sheet is left at the club with the scoresheets, please mark the results there after the games.
- This is not an elimination event, its format is intended to be as inclusive and as flexible so as to accommodate people's varying levels of availability/interest.
Suggested ways to pair :
- Turn up at the club on a club night and find someone who wants to play a tournament game (whom you have a pending pairing with, including persons who are not already in the tournament).
- Alternatively, you can arrange in advance but there is no obligation or default if one or both people are not at the club on a given night.
- New participants will be added if/when they play their first game in the tournament.
- Placings determined by total points on 30/6/2024 (no minimum number of games but the more you play, the more potential your score).
- Games will be graded as standard play if both players are ECF members of bronze or above at the time of playing. (non-ECF member players can still take part in the tournament but their games will not be graded).
- Play will be as per ECF/Fide rules below: